81-year-old trauma survivor's memoir inspires her community

An 81-year-old Carinity Home Care client has released a second print run of her memoir discussing her mental health issues and experience with childhood sexual abuse.
Joan Sammon, who lives with dyslexia, wrote A Life: I Am What I Am two years ago, telling her story of institutionalisation, post-traumatic stress, and “learning it’s OK to be gay”. According to Joan, she penned her memoir not to make money but to help others living with trauma.
“When I wrote the book I had just come out of hospital after a long stay and was feeling strong and positive. I felt that was the time to sit down and write for the first time.
Joan uses the book to promote mental health awareness in the community, and says she is thankful for everyone – from friends to professionals like her carer Karina – who has supported her.
“I’ve put the book into as many resource libraries as I can, in hostels, chemists, surgeries, Beyond Blue and anywhere where there are people who have faced trauma. Nurses in training at hospitals have said it really helped them to understand more about mental health issues.
For a free copy, email [email protected] or phone 3550 3786.