Australia’s oldest man has eaten baked beans for breakfast for at least 30 years

Ken Weeks, a resident at Whiddon Grafton in NSW’s Northern Rivers region, celebrated his 110th birthday on Thursday, 5 October, and received a special present.
The father of two is partial to Heinz baked beans.
“For more than 30 years, I think, for breakfast,” said Ken, who moved into the residential aged care home five years ago."
Whiddon CEO Chris Mamarelis said when staff found out about Ken's favourite food, they organised a special birthday present.
“We reached out [to Heinz] and said, ‘Can you provide us with a pallet of baked beans?’ Because that’s something he tells us has fuelled him for 100 years,” Chris said.
“And to their credit they’ve gone and created this wonderful label with his face on there, so that’s added this special touch to the day.”
Heinz produced and donated a special limited edition run of 300 ‘Ken Cans’ in his honour, which will ensure the home is stocked with the baked beans for the next six months.
Chris, Deputy CEO Alyson Jarrett and Whiddon Grafton's Director of Care Services, Sandra Osborne, along with Ken's care team and 10 of his great-grandchildren and grandchildren were able to celebrate his birthday.
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