Bethanie's Clinical Nurse Manager named WA Nurse of the Year

Perri Waddell has dedicated her career to aged care, to personally building her knowledge and experience, to providing excellent care to her residents, and to training and coaching others.
The Clinical Nurse Manager, who is based at Bethanie Dalyellup, its 120-bed aged care home, was named WA Nurse of the Year at last weekend’s WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards. Perri was also presented with the Excellence in Residential Care award.
“Aged care nursing is an important specialty where we are caring for vulnerable and complex individuals,” said Perri.
“This award is for every nurse working in the sector; having their valuable work recognised is essential.”
Perri started as a Registered Nurse at Bethanie Fields not long after it opened in 2005. She worked there for several years before joining Bethanie's Clinical Governance team.
When she left Bethanie, she expressed a wish to return to Bethanie if plans for the Dalyellup aged care home came to fruition as she lives nearby. In January 2023, Facility Manager Sharon Beer asked Perri to join her in the commissioning of Dalyellup.
“I had worked with Sharon when Fields was opening up and together we have had a long-held dream about reimagining the way care is delivered to our residents. Dalyellup has given us that chance!" she said.
Perri also marks for Edith Cowan University nursing students and is a mentor with University of Wollongong’s Gerontology Nursing Competencies course. These ‘extra mural activities’ give her a great reach to aged care nurses for which she is grateful.
In her award submission, Perri was described as continually going above and beyond to ensure that residents are treated with respect, and provided with choice on how their care is delivered. With no deadlines or task-oriented work patterns, Perri advocates for focus on the resident and the need of the individual.
“Perri leads by example at Bethanie Dalyellup, where she was instrumental in the sites commissioning, and has built a team of engaged and dedicated nurses and care workers,” said Roulé Jones, CEO (Interim).
“By focusing on the individual, Perri is recognising each resident and what will benefit their individual wellbeing. Residents are not rushed, nor kept to a strict schedule; rather encouraged and respected to choose their own preferences throughout the day.”
Perri credits the residents for making her the nurse she is.
“We are all living on the back of their efforts, and they are with us at their most vulnerable,” she said.
“They deserve the very best support at this time of their lives; holistic and personalised care is best practice.”