How to get home care services in 5 Steps

As we age, it’s only natural that we slow down a bit. Have those everyday tasks that you use to find easy, starting to wear you done? Have you heard of Home Care Services for Seniors? Maybe your friends are even receiving it already, but you don’t know how to access government subsidised help or where to start? Home Care Services are all about helping senior Australians stay in their own homes, by providing them a variety of services that make sure they can keep their independence and enjoy a good quality of life, all while getting the support they need. It’s perfect for those who are feeling their age, or those recovering from illness or injury. Some people refer to them as Aged Care Services at Home.
Who is eligible for Home Care Packages in Australia? Anyone over 65 years old, has care needs, is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident.
Here is how to apply for Home Care Packages in 5 basic steps, where we provide the Home Care Package guidelines.
At 65, shouldn’t you focus more on enjoyable activities and do fewer chores that tire you out?
1. Understand the difference between the Commonwealth Home Support Program and Home Care Package Options
Commonwealth Home Support Program is right for you if you are an older person who can mostly, but not completely, live and cope on your own and don’t yet need higher levels of support.
Home Care Services are provided by a Home Care Packages. These packages give you access to a range of support and clinical services designed to help you stay at home and manage with day-to-day activities. Eligibility for Home Care Packages is broad.
2. Determine Eligibility for Home Care Packages & Book Your ACAT Assessment
Before you can access Government funded Home Care services you need to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). The assessment is structured as an informal chat designed to determine your needs. You can expect it to take 45 to 75 minutes.
3. How to Apply for Home Care Packages: Submit Your Income Assessment Test
The Department of Human Services works out the income tested care fee based on your financial information. If you don't lodge an Income Assessment Test form you will have to pay the maximum contribution, which is the equivalent to paying privately.
4. Select a Home Care Package Provider
The current home care model is called Consumer Directed Care. This means funding for a home care package follows you (the consumer) rather than a provider. You are in a partnership with your Home Care Package Provider. It is worth doing your research to ensure they’re a good fit. There are hundreds of Home Care Package Providers nationally.
5. Sign Your Care Management Plan Agreement
Your agreement should be easy to read and contain your care plan and a transparent budget. You can also request for an advocate to represent you during this process.