Living Care rebrands to Fresh Hope Care

Not-for-profit organisation Living Care has this month rebranded and is now known as Fresh Hope Care. The Christian organisation, which is also celebrating its 80th birthday this year, offers home care, retirement living and residential services across New South Wales.
Fresh Hope Care’s parent organisation, Fresh Hope (Churches of Christ in NSW) views the rebrand as a way of reinforcing the organisation’s connection to the community, with its values and spiritual beliefs borne out of local church vision.
Natalie Cook, the Executive Director of Fresh Hope Care, says “We believe that our rebrand will help position Fresh Hope Care as a leader in the provision of aged care services and retirement living across both regional and metropolitan New South Wales. This rebrand looks towards a brighter future, assisting us to increase our current services.”
The strategy behind the rebrand is designed to meet and adapt to the new emerging social climate in Australia. For instance, there has been an increase in the proportion of Australian’s aged 65 and over from 12.0% in 1996 to 15.3% in 2016. During the same years the proportion of people aged 85 years and over almost doubled from 1.1% to 2.0%.
Fresh Hope Care is committed to proactively meeting the developing needs of Australia’s ageing population, focusing its new direction on a path where we will be responsive to the changing ways services need to be delivered. The health and wellbeing of those we care for and the quality of care delivered will continue to be Fresh Hope Care’s top priority.