
MercyCare is a leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health, disability and community services. We employ over 1000 staff and 175 volunteers, delivering more than 40 programs and services, from 35 locations throughout Western Australia.
MercyCare’s Aged Care Services provide a comprehensive and contemporary suite of high quality services, including support in the home and community. Our Community and Home Support program works with people so they can maintain their lifestyle and remain living independently at home.
Our experienced staff members and health professionals understand that navigating community and home support services can seem daunting, especially with the recent changes to Home Care Packages. These changes have been implemented to give more choice and control to the individuals who receive home support by allowing them to decide what support they receive, who delivers the support and how it can be delivered in a way that suits their health and day to day needs.
This is a new and innovative approach to service delivery, and MercyCare has been at the forefront of offering value added services to the people we support. In a trial that started in 2014, MercyCare began working with service users to give them control of how their services and supports are delivered. This includes the option of hiring their own support worker and using their funding more flexibly for things like equipment and transport.
A MercyCare service user who chose to employ her own support worker said that she felt empowered by the decision and regarded as an equal partner in the process. She also said that she felt more satisfied with her support staff because she could control when a person entered her home, and who they were. It is this flexibility that enables us to support individuals to better manage their health and lifestyle.
Our Support Advisors also ensure that the people we support and their families have a thorough understanding of the program they are funded by and how supports can be arranged to meet their needs.
To find out how we can best work with you and your family, please contact our support staff by calling 9442 3498 or emailing [email protected]
Click here to view a list of MercyCare's facilities.