The new Aged Care Bill 2024: what you need to know

Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells (left) and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announce the Government’s aged care reforms package on 12 September 2024. Credit: Anika Wells’ Facebook
Last month, Federal Parliament passed the Aged Care 2024 Bill, ushering in new legislation that will change the way care services are delivered in this country – so what will it mean if you or a family member needs aged care? And will you need to pay more?
The new Bill replaces the previous Aged Care Act which was introduced in 1997 – almost 30 years ago.
The legislation is designed to improve the financial sustainability of Australia’s aged care sector, which has experienced ongoing financial losses for in recent years.
Will I need to pay more for aged care services?
Under the new Act, the Federal Government will continue to pay for all clinical care needs for older Australians receiving residential aged care and home care as they do now.
However, older Australians deemed to have the financial means to pay will be asked to contribute more to the cost of their aged care services for accommodation and daily living expenses, which they would normally pay for in their own home.
When will these changes start?
In residential aged care, the changes are grandfathered until 1 July next year with existing residents to keep their current financial arrangements.
This means that current aged care residents will be no worse off under the new Act.
For new residents entering residential aged care after 1 July, the cost of an aged care bed will likely increase.
Residents on an Age Pension who are deemed by the Government to be eligible for financial support will not need to pay more.
But new residents with financial means will be expected to contribute to the cost of their accommodation and daily living expenses.
What about home care?
In home care, the introduction of increased financial contributions for care recipients is grandfathered to any existing home care recipients; on the wait list or assessed as being eligible for a Package as of 12 September 2024, when the reforms were announced.
So, if you were already in the system, you won’t be asked to contribute more.
New home care recipients will be subject to the new financial arrangements with further detail on how much people will need to pay for aged care services expected to be released by the Government in 2025.
What is the message then?
As always, the key is being prepared.
Have a conversation with family and friends now about your wishes as you age – and look at the options now before you or a loved one may need help.
AgedCare101 is a great resource to start your ageing journey.
We will have more information on how the funding changes will impact you and your family in the New Year.
This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice; please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.